Babes Ride Out 5 in Joshua Tree,CA has been a goal of mine for a little while. Trying to get there was a little more complicated to plan for than I expected. I had to replace my radiator and chain two days before leaving, and at the last minute my plans to haul the bike down fell through. So, I rode down from Portland, OR after the fastest bike surgery ever.
"California, I am in you.
See you in the desert."
"Today I woke up in a grove...."
"...then I rode between Giants and last but not least I was saved from the road by the magical Chelsea in Sacramento, CA. "
"Sandstorms, Sunburns and Babes 🌵
Headed home today, lots of miles to go but glad I get to do a few with Olivia aka Killswitch Queen!! "
I returned to Portland after Babes Ride Out. I broke my personal record. 618 miles in one go.
2,262 Miles on the trip meter and my body aches in places I didn’t know I had.
Shout out to Killswitch Queen, Chelsey Deez, the ladies of Pack Animal, Alicia Mariah Elfving, Robyn Kocienski Jewelz, the ladies of Women in the Wind, and everyone who came up and introduced themselves to me that I’ve known on insta forever, for making my first Babes Ride Out rad 💥
Ps. I’ll holler at ya when I can feel all my body parts again, and the ringing in my ears subsides.
PSS. I’m over high winds and camping in the sand mmk. I don’t need to do that again for a very long time.