Fort George Brewery and Public House, Astoria, WA
Briareos got to stretch his legs a bit on a jaunt out to Astoria, thank god for blue skies during the Flock to the Rock.
Lake Cushman, WA
Jesse Felker, co-organizer of the event.
Right after the my small ride/hang out with the ladies at #flock2therock I hauled ass up to the PNW Dual Sport Summer Opener!
Briareos and I, fully loaded, pretended to blend in with all of the Dirt Bikes… safe to say we got a few looks lol
We’re rebels like that.
Base Camp at PNW Dual Sport Summer Opener.
Ft. that Ironhorse Gear 2 Person Tent! Loving it! (Review of these tents coming soon!)
Lessons in Roadside Tire Repair from EJ Etherington on the way home.